Wednesday, February 19, 2014


It's break.  So I am not subbing in that classroom...and I am drastically bored. 

Always at this time of being bored, while the babe is sleeping, I feel like something needs to come my way.  Something to give me something to think about, or whatever. 

Then, that big ole UPS truck comes rumbling down the quiet street....and you secretly hope it's for you.  Then, she walks out of the truck and is heading to your door, and you run excitedly because it's your package. 

I tell her "thank you" with the biggest smile on my face, and I run back inside and tear open the box.  It was from my MAMA!  I love packages!  I don't care what's inside.  Give me books, paper, candy, whatever it is...I just love it! 

I also feel the same way about mail.  Any kind of mail for me makes me happy!  I'll take that magazine that comes once a month, or the advertisements from Ulta.  It keeps me busy.  It gives me something to look at! 

So with this short ridiculous rant....Thanks mama! and UPS worker, for making my week!

Taco Bell Sauce Packets into Taco Bell Jars!!!

Is anyone here a taco packet hoarder?  If it's not that, Arby's sauce?  As you all know, I'm a bzzagent.  I pretty much accept campaigns, test the products, and give them my input, and all for free.  I'm a sucker for the free products.  Well, this month, I signed myself up for FOUR campaigns!  I'm crazy.  I just couldn't resist!  The campaign that I'm speaking out today is the Taco Bell sauce...IN A JAR!  What?!  (Shhhh.  I also heard Arby's is doing the same thing). 

How convenient is it that Taco Bell now sells their sauce packets in jars!  No more scrounging for the last Fire sauce!  When I saw the campaign that was given to me, I was soooo surprised!  NOOO WAY!!!

Last night, I got onto taco night.  We had the Fire sauce and the Mild sauce!  I think it made my tacos so much better!  I can no longer ask the taco bell employers to give me extra packets, which I don't do...or maybe I do. 

There really isn't much to say about the sauce.  It's always been amazing.  Do you think that the taste changes when it is transferred from the packet to the jar?  NOOOO!  It just makes it so much more convenient.  So yes!  I definitely recommend you get your butts to the store, and grab the Taco Bell sauce in a jar, and go home and make some tacos!