Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Shake, Shake, Shake

Anyone who wants to do any type of diet will need to do research.  Questions are the first start to research.  Is it right for you?  Will your doctor approve?  Can you afford it?  Biggest question:  Do you know what is in it?

A LOT  of people LOVE Shakeology.  It tastes great, has superfoods, a lot of fiber to fill you, and protein, along with vitamins.  I actually had samples of it years ago.  I really liked it.  It kept me full from breakfast all the way to lunch, and not all shakes do that.  So basically, Shakeology is good for you.  Yes, this one is right for me!  But look at the price:  $130 for 30 servings.  WHAT?!  So basically people have been paying $130 for shakeology for a month, and some do not do it just for one month.  THAT IS CRAZY!  There is NO way I can afford that. 

So, new research.  What is comparable?  I have seen a lot of people say that if you want a MEAL REPLACEMENT shake, it needs to have a decent about of protein, a lot of fiber, and the calories have to be at least 200 calories.  Makes sense, right?  I mean this is supposed to replace a meal.  I tried researching online.  All I saw were people's opinions left and right.  Most of all, I saw those that favored Shakeology.  That's great, but seriously...can't afford it.  I am not making this up.  My friend mentioned that her coach said to try to find a shake that's vegan.  Hmmmmm.  So I took a trip to Wegmans.  Not everyone may know what Wegmans is, but it truly is one of the greatest grocery stores there is.  They have a section that is organic.  I was seeing a lot of raw shakes, but not enough to replace a meal, if you know what I mean.  However, there were some hiding behind some beams, and I saw something called "PHOOD- the everything shake," by PlantFusion.  It says on the label that it has "more than a meal in every scoop".  This is what I was looking for.  I look at the ingredients and they are readable.  It is Gluten Free, has no dairy, soy, animal, and it is hypoallergenic.  There are a lot of vegetables in this, not to mention 6 grams of Fiber per serving.  So this is very digestible.  It has 18 grams of plant based protein, 21 whole food vitamins, 17 Grams of Organic Superfoods, 6 Grams of Probiotics and Greens, and it even has 4.4 Grams of Omega 3-6-9.  I'm pretty impressed.  I was still concerned with if this is filling .  The best part?  It is $36 for 31.8 oz.  WAYYYY cheaper than that Shakeology.  I bought it and tried it for dinner last night.  I was impressed!  I mixed two scoops of this with Coconut Milk (for added flavor).  It really wasn't bad.  The taste is chocolate caramel.  Sometimes when you get to healthy chocolate flavors, it doesn't taste so yummy.  But this is pretty good.  I would say a negative to this is it really needs to be shaken or blended.  For more information on this product, you can go to this website.

Now I have chosen to do T25 on top of this shake.  I am only doing this to help me from snacking, which is my problem. 

So what do you think?  If you have any input as to how to find the best meal replacement plan there is, then let me know.  Or rather what shake works for you?  Give as much information as you can to help me and others out there.  No criticism please.  We don't want to be criticized because we want a stepping stone to losing weight. 

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