Monday, October 14, 2013

Beat Stigma

I recently entered a contest through Chautauqua Tapestry.  It was a contest where you were to submit a photo with a message written on your hand,  the "message MUST portray a hopeful or positive message that in some way, relates to someone struggling with mental illness, disability, or health concern."  The only message I could think of was something to tell people with a mental illness that they are worth it and that they need to "Be Brave and Use your Voice."  Because of my submission, I was invited to an event that provided information on Mental Illness, gave some amazing hor d'oeuvres and coffee, showed an amazing documentary, and even provided a panel that discussed their lives with their mental illnesses, and how they are coping with it.

I knew about Mental Illnesses.  I am an educator and deal with it sometime in the classroom.  However, I learned more about it that evening.  For one thing, 1 out of 4 people have a mental illness.  Didn't know that?  Here's the kicker:  3 out of 4 people are AFFECTED by it, which means loved ones that try and figure out how to help the person who has the mental illness.  So, who has "the stigma"?  "Those suffering from brain dis-eases including anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder,  specific phobias, depression, bipolar disorder,  schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, pyromania, kleptomania, compulsive gambling,  addictions, paranoia, multiple personality disorder, gender identity disorder,  Down’s syndrome, psychosomatic disorder, traumatic brain injury (TBI), tic disorders, and others" (

Chautauqua Tapestry presented an amazing documentary that was made by Joe Pantoliano, an actor.  It definitely showed light on the subject.  Most people suffer from this disease.  What can you do?  Maybe join the movement to stop STIGMA?  Or try and be there for those that need the help.  Try to have them channel their frustration on something they love to do.  Even better, try and support them every way possible.  Easier said than done.  I know.  This is a super difficult topic and subject.  What do you do when someone you love won't listen to you?  Or better yet what if it's too late?  The best thing I can do is just be there for them. 

For more information, go to and join the movement, or search around and check it out.  I believe the documentary is there for you to watch.  It truly is interesting.  I highly believe you should watch it.  

The Contest?  I won!  I didn't win first place, but won second place.  I got an amazing gift basket with local coffee, and beautiful coffee cups made by an amazing youth group, along with some other things.  It was very exciting.  

Next year, on October 10, wear the most magnificent green for World Mental Health Day!  Thanks for reading this most important post.  If you have any questions, LIKE Chautauqua Tapestry, and message them any questions you have.  I'm sure, you will be forwarded to the correct person, or even better, they will respond.  :-)  Or you can email

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