Thursday, December 19, 2013

I'm Sorry...Soooo Sorry

I am so sorry, Friends.  I am sorry for leaving you hanging.

Although, I don't have a great excuse for not posting anything, like I've had typhoid the last month, or my dog at my computer....Really, Ashley?  But I seriously have been busy!!!  Not only have we been getting our house situated from the move, but my substitute teaching job has picked up a bit.  Awesome!!!  

It's hard, too, because (believe it or not) the district I work in doesn't have wifi.  So I can't work on my blog, even if I wanted to.  I guess I could bring in the iphone and work on my 3G...orrr I could ask them if I could get a username and password for one of their amazing Apple computers (if there is one in the classroom), but the iPhone would be super hard to work on...and I don't want to be all demanding.  I want to be able to get a job...not scare them away.

So....since it's the season, maybe I can share with my readers my Christmas List?  Shall we????  

A Few of My FUTURE Favorite things...

1.  A macbook Pro 11'  :  If my fellow readers have all the money in the world, and want to read more of my postings...I could carry the 11 inch laptop without any worries.  It would fit in my bag and I could pull it out while my high schoolers are testing.  Sound good?  Not only could I blog...but I could write more.  Since it is my dream to write...(sigh....would be nice, wouldn't it?)

Now I'm sure you are thinking Well, Jeeze Ashley, why don't you break your old man's bank?  I's pricey....but for good reason.  I have fallen in love with my iPhone, the school district uses Apple computers and have since way back in the floppy stages, and for good reason.  They uphold their value and defend without you having to download anything.  Amazing, isn't it?  The Toshiba I am writing on is about two years old and already seem to be wearing out it's welcome.  I want something lasting!  BUT if this isn't sufficient anything small and trustworthy and type-able would be great.  YUP...I made that word up, type-able. 

2.) a treadmill

Since I have moved back to the North, where there is never anything dry in the winter, I find it hard to be able to go for a job in my climate control sneakers with holes on the bottom.  I think this could get my blood flow going!  THOUGH my husband thinks I don't need it, and I would do fine without it, because it will just sit there collecting dust like some other things...But  I don't know.  I can't run out there...I'm afraid I will fall on my ass...I'll be honest.  Heard of black ice?  I seem to hit it with my foot any chance I get.  I don't need to break my back because I'm a pansy at walking.  This is a wish list afterall..>I could totally make this work!

3.  A full time Job

I have finally decided that I should give my hometown a try.  I want to teach in a NY classroom....Oh don't even go there with the Core Curriculum.  I know it's "difficult for those poor children" and I hear you say "don't do it, Ashley"  BUT I think I should.  I kind of miss it.  AND, I'm liking how everyone in the district is doing the same thing.  I walk into one 6th grade class and they are reading Percy Jackson....and I walk into another 6th grade class in a different school...and they are reading's cool.  It's easy for me to not miss a beat, plus the teacher's think I know what I'm doing...hehehe

The only problem I'm coming across is finding a full time solid job...even if it isn't in the classroom. Let's just say my substitute teaching salary is...not...all that great.  It's kind of sad, and hard...There have been other opportunities given to me (clerical position in an office), but my fear of walking away from the classroom would be someone shutting the door at my back, and foot in the door.  I know it's all about "who you know" and how they know you.  

I want to be there for those teachers too. Can you believe that there are subs out there who do not do what the teachers ask?  Like being quiet during a test?  REALLY!?  come on people!  What would they do without me?  hahah.  I'm kidding, but I don't wanna give up my subbing...I feel it's the only thing that will help me.  I am not giving up.  Don't you worry!

Well, friends.  I promise to keep up as best as I can.  If I don't get to speak to you before the holidays...let it be safe and have an awesome time with your family!  Let your children's eyes shine bright.  Happy CHRISTmas.

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