Monday, July 28, 2014

July Ipsy Fun

I have joined this Julep Swap group, which I love because they talk about the latest discounts and news that resides in Julep.  Not only do they talk about Julep, they talk about all the other Subscriptions they do.  One is called Ipsy.  Michelle Phan created Ipsy to show the many beauty items that can be used so that consumers may buy them.  Pretty neat.  The best part?  Only $10 a month.  For this price, you get 5-6 products and a cute cosmetic bag.  They organize the products based on a quiz that you take.  Then, when you get your first bag, you review the items based on how you like them or not, and they take that information and try to base it on your next bag!  My suggestion?  Find a few friends who may want to do this with you...when you get your bags, get together, share your bag, and have some wine, and swap out the items you don't want, or whatever.  Are you intrigued?

My July Ipsy Glam Bag

Inside my super pink cute cosmetic bag, I received:  the new bareMinerals 5 in 1 BB Advanced Performance Cream Eyeshadow Broad Spectrum 15 SPF, Hang Ten Dark Tanning Oil SPF 8, Pixy Beauty Mini Tinted Brilliance Balm, POP Beauty Sunkissed Bronzer, Sexy Hair Soy Renewal Beach Spray Conditioning and Texturizing Spray.  

The bareMinerals Cream Eyeshadow was a mini version, but I really LOVE this.  The color I got was Divine Wine, which was a little like a dark brown.  This eyeshadow definitely stays on and does not melt in the crease of your eyelid.  I know it's $18, but I totally think the price is worth it.  You can get it at the bareMinerals boutique store, Ulta, and I think Sephora! 

The Hang Ten Dark Tanning Oil has a great smell to it, and it's not greasy.  If you are outside at all, and put this on, you will definitely get something.  It is naturally made, and I really like this.  

Pixy Beauty Mini Tinted Brilliance Balm is seriously the perfect pink for going out.  It twists so that you do not have to sharpen it and it definitely moisturizes your lips.  I definitely want to buy the non mini version!  ;-)

I have not been a huge bronzer person, but I really like the POP Beauty Sunkissed Bronzer.  It is the just amount of Bronze that is slightly darker than my skin, so I don't look weird with it on.  It's the perfect glow for the summer.  I saw some of the POP Beauty Products at TJ really interested in checking that out!

The Sexy Hair Beach Spray has an awesome smell to it.  It definitely adds texture to your hair to give it that Salty Beachy feel.  I think the texture was a little too much for me, but if you have curly hair (I don't), then you may enjoy this.  

The Pink bag is super cute, and I am currently using it to hold lip sticks and glosses :-) 

If you like to try out things and get a better idea of what's out there in the beauty market, I definitely think this is worth it.  If you are interested in trying Ipsy, here's a link:

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Shake, Shake, Shake

Anyone who wants to do any type of diet will need to do research.  Questions are the first start to research.  Is it right for you?  Will your doctor approve?  Can you afford it?  Biggest question:  Do you know what is in it?

A LOT  of people LOVE Shakeology.  It tastes great, has superfoods, a lot of fiber to fill you, and protein, along with vitamins.  I actually had samples of it years ago.  I really liked it.  It kept me full from breakfast all the way to lunch, and not all shakes do that.  So basically, Shakeology is good for you.  Yes, this one is right for me!  But look at the price:  $130 for 30 servings.  WHAT?!  So basically people have been paying $130 for shakeology for a month, and some do not do it just for one month.  THAT IS CRAZY!  There is NO way I can afford that. 

So, new research.  What is comparable?  I have seen a lot of people say that if you want a MEAL REPLACEMENT shake, it needs to have a decent about of protein, a lot of fiber, and the calories have to be at least 200 calories.  Makes sense, right?  I mean this is supposed to replace a meal.  I tried researching online.  All I saw were people's opinions left and right.  Most of all, I saw those that favored Shakeology.  That's great, but seriously...can't afford it.  I am not making this up.  My friend mentioned that her coach said to try to find a shake that's vegan.  Hmmmmm.  So I took a trip to Wegmans.  Not everyone may know what Wegmans is, but it truly is one of the greatest grocery stores there is.  They have a section that is organic.  I was seeing a lot of raw shakes, but not enough to replace a meal, if you know what I mean.  However, there were some hiding behind some beams, and I saw something called "PHOOD- the everything shake," by PlantFusion.  It says on the label that it has "more than a meal in every scoop".  This is what I was looking for.  I look at the ingredients and they are readable.  It is Gluten Free, has no dairy, soy, animal, and it is hypoallergenic.  There are a lot of vegetables in this, not to mention 6 grams of Fiber per serving.  So this is very digestible.  It has 18 grams of plant based protein, 21 whole food vitamins, 17 Grams of Organic Superfoods, 6 Grams of Probiotics and Greens, and it even has 4.4 Grams of Omega 3-6-9.  I'm pretty impressed.  I was still concerned with if this is filling .  The best part?  It is $36 for 31.8 oz.  WAYYYY cheaper than that Shakeology.  I bought it and tried it for dinner last night.  I was impressed!  I mixed two scoops of this with Coconut Milk (for added flavor).  It really wasn't bad.  The taste is chocolate caramel.  Sometimes when you get to healthy chocolate flavors, it doesn't taste so yummy.  But this is pretty good.  I would say a negative to this is it really needs to be shaken or blended.  For more information on this product, you can go to this website.

Now I have chosen to do T25 on top of this shake.  I am only doing this to help me from snacking, which is my problem. 

So what do you think?  If you have any input as to how to find the best meal replacement plan there is, then let me know.  Or rather what shake works for you?  Give as much information as you can to help me and others out there.  No criticism please.  We don't want to be criticized because we want a stepping stone to losing weight. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Brother's Story By Allen Johnson Jr.

Blurb:  Identical twins Johnny and Will are orphaned and separated as toddlers.  Johnny is dopted by an abusive aunt in Tennessee.  Will id adopted by a loving, affluent couple who live in the country near Birmingham, Alabama.  When he grows into boyhood, Johnny runs away and is sheltered by Linc, a reclusive black man who lives deep in the Blackwater Swamp.  My Brother's Story tells of the twins' adventures as they struggle to reunite.

I was given an awesome opportunity to read a book, and write a review about it.  As you know, I love reading.  I read all things, as you can see.  

This book kind of hit home with me because I educated middle school children, in South Carolina, for five years.  I would think that my sixth graders would love to read this book. I would think that southern children would definitely understand the terms and language from this book.  There is a bit of a language barrier, and for good reason.  

Mix the loving series of Boxcar Children with The Parent Trap, and you get a bit of what this book is about. This book takes place in the Deep South, and after the civil war, I believe.

I think the author did a pretty good job with the two different points of views.  You have Johnny's point of view, and then you have his brother's, Will.  (Will and Johnny were separated because their parents passed away.  I guess the Aunt of was next kin, and only wanted one.  So Will was adopted by The Jennison's who took really good care of him, and gave him a pretty good life.  However, Poor Johnny was mistreated by his aunt.  He was sent to bed almost every night without food, and he was whipped, or switched, for spilling milk.  He ended up running away, when his Aunt Min went to a "revival" for a weekend.  Johnny meets a fun-loving loving black fellow who takes real good care of him. I'm totally not going to give away the rest of the book because that's not fun for you.  But take it from me, it's a good book for middle grade kids.)  As for the different points of views, I totally enjoyed hearing Will's story, and then Johnny's.  You can also easily tell which story was the boys, because Mr. Johnson Jr did pretty well with Johnny's language and speaking and Will's.  You can tell that Will was brought up from a loving, caring, and well educated family, and so he spoke better than Johnny.  That's what made this fun to read. 

I connected with Will though because he wanted his brother so bad.  However, he made me laugh while reading.  I think it is sometimes hard to write so that a reader can display any emotion, but Will...he likes to get into some trouble.  You know, the typical boy trouble.  When the two boys end up getting together, it is even worse.  I just think it's funny how these boys act like real boys.  They want to get dirty, make things, touch snakes, etc.  And his explanation to his mother about why there were peas all over the floor is this "Well,...I was down in the woods with my slingshot, and I, uh...I killed this huge rattlesnake, see...I...uh, wanted to show it to somebody."  His mother responded with "Yes..." Will continued, "I guess I wasn't thinking too good, Momma.  I, uh, I kind of held it up a little to close to the screen.  Jenny May was sitting there shelling peas, and...."  I laughed out loud at this.  It's pretty funny with the way he hesitates.  Jenny May is there cook, and he must have forgotten that she didn't like snakes, much rather dead.  haha.

Another reason this book would be good for middle grades is when the author, Mr. Johnson Jr., speaks about how Linc's father was killed by the Ku Klux Klan.  This can definitely give the students an idea of what occurred in the South during the Reconstruction Era.  Certain white people were always after the "colored folk".  They thought they didn't have a place in this world.  I feel bad for the lives that they lived, and how they were mistreated by this group of people who hid under white sheets.  Teachers can use this knowledge to discuss the history behind it, and to even compare and contrast other stories that could be similar to this.  

I truly feel that young readers would enjoy this book, and they will be rewarded with the contents this book holds.  Please try to get any reader who loves to read, to read this.  I especially believe that this book would help most boys to start reading and turning into life long readers.  RARELY do I see a middle school boy with a book.  Also there are really nice illustrations throughout this book that goes along well with the story.  I definitely think that will help a boy's view of the story that is being told.

So buy this book, and read it!  

To Purchase this book, you can do so through Amazon. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


It's break.  So I am not subbing in that classroom...and I am drastically bored. 

Always at this time of being bored, while the babe is sleeping, I feel like something needs to come my way.  Something to give me something to think about, or whatever. 

Then, that big ole UPS truck comes rumbling down the quiet street....and you secretly hope it's for you.  Then, she walks out of the truck and is heading to your door, and you run excitedly because it's your package. 

I tell her "thank you" with the biggest smile on my face, and I run back inside and tear open the box.  It was from my MAMA!  I love packages!  I don't care what's inside.  Give me books, paper, candy, whatever it is...I just love it! 

I also feel the same way about mail.  Any kind of mail for me makes me happy!  I'll take that magazine that comes once a month, or the advertisements from Ulta.  It keeps me busy.  It gives me something to look at! 

So with this short ridiculous rant....Thanks mama! and UPS worker, for making my week!

Taco Bell Sauce Packets into Taco Bell Jars!!!

Is anyone here a taco packet hoarder?  If it's not that, Arby's sauce?  As you all know, I'm a bzzagent.  I pretty much accept campaigns, test the products, and give them my input, and all for free.  I'm a sucker for the free products.  Well, this month, I signed myself up for FOUR campaigns!  I'm crazy.  I just couldn't resist!  The campaign that I'm speaking out today is the Taco Bell sauce...IN A JAR!  What?!  (Shhhh.  I also heard Arby's is doing the same thing). 

How convenient is it that Taco Bell now sells their sauce packets in jars!  No more scrounging for the last Fire sauce!  When I saw the campaign that was given to me, I was soooo surprised!  NOOO WAY!!!

Last night, I got onto taco night.  We had the Fire sauce and the Mild sauce!  I think it made my tacos so much better!  I can no longer ask the taco bell employers to give me extra packets, which I don't do...or maybe I do. 

There really isn't much to say about the sauce.  It's always been amazing.  Do you think that the taste changes when it is transferred from the packet to the jar?  NOOOO!  It just makes it so much more convenient.  So yes!  I definitely recommend you get your butts to the store, and grab the Taco Bell sauce in a jar, and go home and make some tacos!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I'm Sorry...Soooo Sorry

I am so sorry, Friends.  I am sorry for leaving you hanging.

Although, I don't have a great excuse for not posting anything, like I've had typhoid the last month, or my dog at my computer....Really, Ashley?  But I seriously have been busy!!!  Not only have we been getting our house situated from the move, but my substitute teaching job has picked up a bit.  Awesome!!!  

It's hard, too, because (believe it or not) the district I work in doesn't have wifi.  So I can't work on my blog, even if I wanted to.  I guess I could bring in the iphone and work on my 3G...orrr I could ask them if I could get a username and password for one of their amazing Apple computers (if there is one in the classroom), but the iPhone would be super hard to work on...and I don't want to be all demanding.  I want to be able to get a job...not scare them away.

So....since it's the season, maybe I can share with my readers my Christmas List?  Shall we????  

A Few of My FUTURE Favorite things...

1.  A macbook Pro 11'  :  If my fellow readers have all the money in the world, and want to read more of my postings...I could carry the 11 inch laptop without any worries.  It would fit in my bag and I could pull it out while my high schoolers are testing.  Sound good?  Not only could I blog...but I could write more.  Since it is my dream to write...(sigh....would be nice, wouldn't it?)

Now I'm sure you are thinking Well, Jeeze Ashley, why don't you break your old man's bank?  I's pricey....but for good reason.  I have fallen in love with my iPhone, the school district uses Apple computers and have since way back in the floppy stages, and for good reason.  They uphold their value and defend without you having to download anything.  Amazing, isn't it?  The Toshiba I am writing on is about two years old and already seem to be wearing out it's welcome.  I want something lasting!  BUT if this isn't sufficient anything small and trustworthy and type-able would be great.  YUP...I made that word up, type-able. 

2.) a treadmill

Since I have moved back to the North, where there is never anything dry in the winter, I find it hard to be able to go for a job in my climate control sneakers with holes on the bottom.  I think this could get my blood flow going!  THOUGH my husband thinks I don't need it, and I would do fine without it, because it will just sit there collecting dust like some other things...But  I don't know.  I can't run out there...I'm afraid I will fall on my ass...I'll be honest.  Heard of black ice?  I seem to hit it with my foot any chance I get.  I don't need to break my back because I'm a pansy at walking.  This is a wish list afterall..>I could totally make this work!

3.  A full time Job

I have finally decided that I should give my hometown a try.  I want to teach in a NY classroom....Oh don't even go there with the Core Curriculum.  I know it's "difficult for those poor children" and I hear you say "don't do it, Ashley"  BUT I think I should.  I kind of miss it.  AND, I'm liking how everyone in the district is doing the same thing.  I walk into one 6th grade class and they are reading Percy Jackson....and I walk into another 6th grade class in a different school...and they are reading's cool.  It's easy for me to not miss a beat, plus the teacher's think I know what I'm doing...hehehe

The only problem I'm coming across is finding a full time solid job...even if it isn't in the classroom. Let's just say my substitute teaching salary is...not...all that great.  It's kind of sad, and hard...There have been other opportunities given to me (clerical position in an office), but my fear of walking away from the classroom would be someone shutting the door at my back, and foot in the door.  I know it's all about "who you know" and how they know you.  

I want to be there for those teachers too. Can you believe that there are subs out there who do not do what the teachers ask?  Like being quiet during a test?  REALLY!?  come on people!  What would they do without me?  hahah.  I'm kidding, but I don't wanna give up my subbing...I feel it's the only thing that will help me.  I am not giving up.  Don't you worry!

Well, friends.  I promise to keep up as best as I can.  If I don't get to speak to you before the holidays...let it be safe and have an awesome time with your family!  Let your children's eyes shine bright.  Happy CHRISTmas.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Book of Lost Things By John Connolly


The Blurb:
David doesn't know much about life beyond the walls of his room, except what he reads in his books. Mourning the death of his mother and angry at his father for moving on so quickly, David is pulled into a world next to our own and discovers all the stories he's read have come to life. However, these stories are different. Angrier. Darker.

As David makes his way through the world to find the king and the mysterious Book of Lost Things that will help him get home, he encounters adventures he never imagined. But a danger is lurking in the shadows, threatening to destroy David and his entire future.

My Review:

I liked this book the more it went on.  I thoroughly enjoy the fairy tales that basically went wrong in this book:  Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast.  This book is completely action packed and had a LOT going on, but it was smoothly put into place.  The stories within the story all made sense and the Plot coincided.  It was just great.  I thought this was pretty gory for a YA book, but then again, it is the age.   

During this story, I hoped David would conquer the bad, evil people.  I felt he was pretty weak throughout the book and his confidence grew with each person he met along the way.   

David was a wretched, and mean, boy.  I understand the love he felt for his mother, but he didn't need to treat his step mother the way he did.  Even though he was a confused teenager.  I really think this book is great.  It kinda reminded me of the TV Series Once Upon a Time.  I really like twists on fairy tales.  

I definitely recommend this book.  It is pretty graphic, so I would probably keep the age to 16 and above if anyone is thinking of a book for Christmas.