Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Common Cold = Disastrous

So three days ago, I was feeling fantastic.  The beautiful sunshine is showing it's face frequently because it's ready to say good-bye so those dreaded winter clouds could show their ugly face for months on end.  Collin got to play outside all day, and when I went to pick him, he was running up the hill and walking down it.  He was so funny. 

After picking him up, sneezed like 100 times.  It was crazy.  That night, I couldn't sleep.  It was horrible, friends!  It wasn't the runny nose, it was the drippy nose.  It was awful.  I couldn't sleep because I could constantly feel the tickle of it dripping down my nose.  I seriously had to twist the corner of the kleenex because it wouldn't stop dripping.  It was soooo annoying.  So I woke up...not ready to go to work.  I dragged my tired body out of bed, and took a shower...and tickle, drip, tickle, drip!  IN THE SHOWER!?  COME ON! 

I was at work, and someone came to talk to me.  In the middle of conversation...tickle, drip, tickle, drip!  How freaking embarrassing!  I could not believe this craziness! I had to have a kleenex in my pocket at all times, so that in case that tickle occurred, I was prepared!  Not to mention the amount of hand sanitizer, kleenex, and other things.  By the end of the day, I was miserable.  I felt like my nose was the size and color of Rudolph's, and it was sore.  I also felt like my throat was more than irritated.  I needed something to sooth it, and I was drinking water the entire day.  I went to the drugstore and grabbed Tylenol sinus medicine and some cough drops with the honey in the center.  I also grabbed some orange juice for that Vitamin C kick.  I felt a little better after that, but sheesh.  That night, I slept way better.  I did sleep with the kleenex in my hand though. 

Yesterday I was much more improved, except I have a stuffy nose and a cough.  BUT what caused this?  Was is allergies?  Or was it the cold that is caused by those floating viruses?  I remember taking a health class in college that showed a video of colds and how those virus travels.  Did you know that if you sneezed, without covering your mouth, the virus you hold flies out for a huge amount of feet?  I'm thinking it was 5 feet, or maybe 3, but they float until someone else grabs a hold of it.  Not only is it in the air, but on the handles of doors and cars and things.  I'm surprised my two year old didn't grab what I had, but I wonder if that's because I did really well with covering my mouth and washing my hands?  It's pretty crazy how you can get someone like that, and within four hours, you feel like  a punching bag. 

OH!  Let's get to the gross side of things...When you blow your nose, do you ever check to see if your boogers are green?  Full DISCLOSURE:  I do!!!  I wanna check  to see if they are healthy.  Like in the movie How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days when Kate Hudson cries out during the Guys' Poker Game:  "Oh, clear!  Healthy boy!!!"  So after doing the booger check, I know I don't have an infection, but still...ANNOYING!

So now the sun is shining, and I know it's going to be a beautiful day.  I feel 110% better.  I hope you have a fantastic weekend! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Food Fights by Laura A. Jana and Jennifer Shu

Food Fights: Winning the Nutritional Challenges of Parenthood Armed with Insight, Humor, and a Bottle of Ketchup

The Goodreads Blurb:  Bring "peas and harmony" to the family table with Food Fights, 2nd edition! Knowing what to feed children is one thing. Getting them to eat it is quite another! In Food Fights, 2nd edition, the authors tastefully blend the science of nutrition and pediatrics with the practical insights of parents who have been in your shoes?offering simple solutions for your daily nutritional challenges. Whether you've got an infant, toddler, or young child, Food Fights promises entertaining, reality-based advice on: How to pick your battles (and arm yourself accordingly) Whining and dining, throwing food, and other dietary distractions Heaping helpings, TV dinners, fast food, and other nutritional minefields Eating out, grocery shopping, and travel The 5-second rule Drinking and dozing, juice, soda pop, and other classic drinking problems Sick kids, vitamins, body weight, allergies, constipation, spitting up...and so much more! This revised second edition also includes new chapters on healthy breakfasts, what's lacking in snacking, and supermarket sanity, and serves up important guidance on making sense of package labels and choosing foods wisely. Add the cornucopia of resources such as recipes for success, a nutrient primer, and phone apps that help families stay on a tech-savvy track to good nutrition and this new and improved edition of Food Fights is guaranteed to leave you satisfied.

I have to say that I was in need of this book.  It talks about everything from newborns to the Middle School Stage.  This book has helped me become a less worry wort when it comes to my son's eating habits.   I have learned to be cool and relax when it comes to my son eating certain things and not wanting to eat those certain things.  You shouldn't force it on your kids.  You shouldn't make them lick the platter clean.  You shouldn't give him all that he wants everytime he wants it.  

I think anyone who deals with children, or wants to have children, or is even pregnant, should seriously read this book!  It was a really informative piece of text that I will hold dear to my heart.  There really isn't much else I can say to you about  a "HOW-TO" book. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What are you doing right now?! READING!

I have the biggest RANT right now.  I was trying to figure out what I write about next with my awesome blog...Not that I was running of things, seriously!!!  But I couldn't figure out what my heart wanted to write about.

Some of you may know me, and some of you may not.  I taught for about five years, and now I am subbing in a different state.  I'm pretty cool with it, actually.  I thought this was SUPER Cool.

I was reading my plans for the day, and there was this set in place:  AIR 10:40-9:05...The kids pick up their reading books and they read it for 25 minutes a day!  No looking at magazines, Guinness Book..., no staring at the wall, yadda, yadda...  I was amazed!  They do this everyday!

I wonder why other districts don't.  It has been scientifically proven that the more you read, the smarter you get.  You are broadening your vocabulary, imagination, interests.  I seriously think this helps students become those "life-long readers" we have been looking for. 

Not only should students be reading, I seriously parents should be picking up a book in front of their children...YUP!  I don't care if it's the magazine, or newspaper...the point is you're reading, you do it everyday, and guess who sees ya!  So, then once your "I HATE READING" child sees his/her parents reading, then they give up the least I would hope so.  They don't have to read in front of their friends...they can read at home.  They should understand that it doesn't matter where they read, as long as they are comfortable and relaxed.

I know that this is not just the educator in me who stresses this.  My mother was a HUGE reader.  She read, and read, and read!  Actually, it was because of her that I love reading.  SHE was one who told me NOT to read a certain book because I wasn't ready for it. I was in High School at the time.  I took it and started reading it only because she told me NOT to.  It's funny how children does the opposite, isn't it.  It took me months to finish this 900 page SMUT novel.  Hahahaha.  Of course, she didn't know that I took it to read at the time, otherwise she would have probably pried it out of my grasp. 

After that, I went straight to Harry Potter and have pretty much been a HUGE YA fan.  However, I love that I can pretty much read anything and LOVE it.  I mean, I don't love EVERYTHING I read, but most of the things I read I do like it.  If it makes me picture the scene in my head, then it's a good read for me.  I'm not looking for PERFECT grammar, even though I do see most books have CRAZY mistakes. 

I guess now that I think about it, I have always had a HUGE love for reading.  When I was in elementary school, I was always bringing home books.  I was SO in love with The Polar Express.  I was especially in love with it after it came in theaters.  I also remember reading Amelia Bedelia Books, MOST of the Babysitter Club Books, the Boxcar Children series, Wayside Stories, Ralph the mouse...I mean I think I could go on and on.  So I guess you could say that this was me then!

I hope you don't take this post as me being bossy, or telling you what to do, because it's not that at all.  I'm just stressing some important points with childhood reading.  They say you should read to NEWBORNS to develop that love of reading.  As of right now, my little guy LOVES reading when it comes to bedtime and he will constantly pick up books for us to read. I hope it lasts long!  Hope you had a beautiful weekend!  Love. You. All!

Friday, September 20, 2013

What Happened!?!?

Have you ever followed directions to anything, like a "HOW-TO" or Recipes ?

I always do.  I need directions to do things, and if it doesn't turn out like I want it to...I reject it.

I actually had found a recipe from Martha Stewart on Champagne Truffles!  I was so stinkin' excited, that I went straight to work.  I followed the recipe exactly as is...and the truffles looks like a melted blog that was turning from circle shape to OVAL, to...well...I think you have the idea.  I was soooo bummed.  I was wondering why they didn't turn out, and then I read the comments and no one's did.  What did Martha's Blogging person forget to add that was necessary?

I found that recipe on PINTEREST...well, then I found another neat one.  Where you take plywood and cut it into little squares.  Sand the wood, You need like 8 stickers, two of each, and put those onto each piece of wood and spray with a spray that's supposed to seal in the picture....I KNOW I followed the directions exactly as is.  I was giving it to a 3 year old for his birthday and was pretty pissed that the blocks were tacky and stuck to each other.  How can a three year old play MEMORY with squares that stick to each other?  (I'm sorry Thomas!!!)  Did I forget to mention where I got that recipe???????????  YUP...Martha Stinkin' Stewart!  WHAT THE HELL!  I have officially sworn off her how-to's!

As I have said before, I am a huge Julep fan. Well, they posted this pretty picture.    
I was seriously in love.  I'm going to buy that box and I'm going to do my nails just like that!  They were even nice enough to give a How-to!!!! So I followed the directions, exactly as is...and it didn't turn out!

This is how it looked...  

YUP...I'm not impressed either!!!

Soooo, I tried it again. This time Taking their glittery black color as the base.  Then sponged two colors, added the white dots, mixed the black glittery with clear to lessen the black color and sponged that on, then added a clear coat.  And this is the ending result...

Yeah, I am VERY pleased with this result.  Maybe the reason why the before didn't work out was because my colors weren't bright enough?  Idk...but I LOVE IT!  Super excited to share with you my galaxy nails.  I didn't ditch the website or give up.  I found another way around it...and it actually turned out!  WOOHOO!  You guys should totally do this and add your pics in the comments!!! 

Have an awesome weekend, loves!

Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen


The GOODREADS BLURB:Nova Reed used to have dreams-of becoming a famous drummer, of marrying her true love. But all of that was taken away in an instant. Now she's getting by as best she can, though sometimes that means doing things the old Nova would never do. Things that are slowly eating away at her spirit. Every day blends into the next . . . until she meets Quinton Carter. His intense, honey brown eyes instantly draw her in, and he looks just about as broken as she feels inside.

Quinton once got a second chance at life-but he doesn't want it. The tattoos on his chest are a constant reminder of what he's done, what he's lost. He's sworn to never allow happiness into his life . . . but then beautiful, sweet Nova makes him smile. He knows he's too damaged to get close to her, yet she's the only one who can make him feel alive again. Quinton will have to decide: does he deserve to start over? Or should he pay for his past forever?

Quick!  Grab a kleenex, or two, or the whole box!!!  This book is S.A.D.  

I didn't expect the whole SADNESS thing coming from the this book. Before I read it, I knew that the two characters went through some hard times before meeting each other.


So Nova- very pretty, innocent chick who loves to play drums and loves music.  But she found her boyfriend dead, and she is no longer interested in those things.:-(  She loved him dearly.  She had a hard time coping with his death, especially when he wasn't there to go to College with her.  When she goes to college, she ends up being OKAY, but in all reality, she's sad.  You could see it in her eyes.  Her mom tries to connect with her, but Nova isn't interested.  She has a best friend who hangs around a druggie, and therefore, they do drugs.  Nova starts going down that road, too.  This is the part where I'm like "COME ON, NOVA!  SNAP OUT OF IT!  Landon would not have wanted you to go down that road!!!" and then wrap my arms around and tell her it's okay, and she will be okay! 

Quinton- Handsome beefcake (at least that's what I see) ends up making a mistake that he blames himself completely.  He lets himself go.  He doesn't go to college, and he ends up smoking pot to make the pain go away.  He promises his girlfriend Lexi, that he will never forget her--however, I think he misinterpreted what she wanted...because this character seriously pissed me off.  I didn't want to hug him, I wanted to beat the shit out of him...."Don't (Punch) you see (punch, punch) what you are (PUNCH) doing to yourself (WHACK!)?"  Not only that, he would hurt the one thing that could have went good in his life.  I was seriously thinking that it was going to work out for him, and he would be driving a car and going to school...I guess you're going to have to read this book for that outcome.

I have to say that this book is a PAGE Turner!  I was at 28% through with the book at 8:00 and finished it at Midnight because I was so stinkin' interested in this.  And eventually my hubby went to sleep, so thankfully he didn't see those tears running down my face.  I was even soooo tired, but at this point I was overtired and wanted to keep trudging along.  

This book is considered "NEW ADULT".  It's this genre that's squeezing through for basically the students who are starting college and beyond.  I recommend this book to everyone!  EVERYONE who has teens, who is a teen, who helps heart-wrenching!  I hope Sorensen does something with TEENS and Suicide because this would totally hit home for some of those teens thinking that they are nothing in this life, and they cannot make a difference in the world, or even better themselves.  Just remember to BE BRAVE and USE YOUR VOICE!  No one can help you if you don't say anything and you are a HUNDRED PERCENT WORTH IT!


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pumpkin Obsessed

Now is the time of year, especially since we've moved back to NY and it's like already 40 degrees here, I obsess with FALL.

Leaves are starting to turn colors, and getting ready to fall from their branches.  There's an apple festival ready to happen a weekend away, where I want to buy more than a bushel of apples and make everything from Applesauce to Apple cake :-)  And Pumpkin is calling my name.

Yes, my friends, I am COMPLETELY obsessed with Pumpkin.  Actually, this is the time where my husband rolls his eyes and groans because I try to find anything I can do to make with Pumpking...(Ooops, I mean Pumpkin...Pumpking is that amazing beer from Southern Tier!!!  MMMMM).

I am sure you are probably like "What else can you do with pumpkin besides make pie and pumpkin lattes?"

Well, do I have a surprise for you!  You really have to thank the FOOD NETWORK MAGAZINE that I get monthly because they actually sent me a little book that has 50 ways to cook with canned pumpkin!!!!  Hahahahaha.

So, now I'm looking forward to pumpkin alfredo....and pumpkin in my applesauce....and scones, and pancakes....and....oh goodness.  There was even a recipe in there for the canned pumpkin to go in chili!!!  Who would have thought?!  I bet that's MIGHTY TASTY, as a good friend would say.

I wish I had this recipe on hand to share with you, but unfortunately it's in storage!  BUT One of my greatest friends of all time, who moved her punk ass to Vegas, lent me a double layer pumpkin pie...Oh My about deeeelisssssh.  The bottom part, on top of graham cracker crust, contains the cream cheese mix, then the second layer contains vanilla pudding and the can of pumpkin...I have even tried the pumpkin pudding with this...and then cool whip goes on top. 

The pumpkin festival is coming up too!   Let me also say that I am VERY thankful for Libby and them canning this stuff for us, spiced or unspiced, to buy because it is a pain in the @**.Anyone have anything yummy to share with pumpkin?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Frustrated Mommy

My Vent Session!

So, my son (2 yo) and I are heading to meet my stepfather at lunch.  It's been awhile since Collin has seen his grandpa last, and he played the shy game.  It was probably a weird setting to begin with because Collin usually saw his grandpa at their house in SC.  :(  

I have a picky eater, which is infuriating because I'm not a picky eater...and his daddy is learning to try new foods and is liking them too.  When Collin was a baby, I made all of his food.  YES!  I DID!  I had the awesome Beaba Baby  2 in 1 System.  It would steam the food and then puree it.  Collin ate everything I gave him.  Sweet Potatoes (Of course), squash, green beans, peas, all fruits, and now...GRRRR.  He won't even freakin' pick up any of that.  I try to coax him to try it and he won't! 

Anyway, I order Collin Grilled Cheese from the restaurant thinking he would eat it...well, because he sometimes does, and he doesn't.  He doesn't even try it.  Whatever!  I'm about to throw my hands up and call it quits, never ever give him snacks, or treats, and lock him up.  I know that you cannot do this...and I promise...I won't.  

My bestie had a good read that I am reading.  It's called Food Fights.  It actually mentions the time when you were a child and your parents told you "You're not leaving that table, missy, unless you finish your vegetables."  Well, with this notion, we are teaching our children that even if they are not hungry, they should eat it.  Quantity over quality.  I've been doing the whole "Okay Collin, you don't have to eat it...", not give him any snacks, or even juice, and wait till dinner and give it back to him.  Sometimes he still won't touch it...even when he's hungry.  This boy is stubborn.  

BUT get this:  basically I need to keep exposing him to things like grilled cheese because it takes 10-15 tries for them to taste it/eat it!  Are you freaking kidding me?  I'm sure he silently, or mentally, rolls his eyes and says "Gosh, Mom....not this again!!!"  I'm seriously doing the best I can.  I was trying to force it on him to just try, and then knew later down the road that it's not what I should be doing.  So, when dinner comes around, I give him what is planned, and hope and pray that he eats it, because if not, he's not getting anything else.  

Any mommies out there feeling me?  Or am I just the crazy mommy?  I hope eventually Collin figures out that the food I make is actually pretty good.  And get this...he won't even eat Chocolate cake!!!!  WHAT?!   What kid won't eat chocolate!  MINE! (As I raise my hand...) 

And so the other frustrating part is that Collin doesn't speak yet.  He saids words and some phraises, but none like "I don't want that" or "Give me Mac and Cheese!" So this language barrier is beyond frustrating...and I think that's where it starts.  He can't stress to me what he wants in words and it's not like I can ask him what he wants unless I show him pancakes (the box of frozen pancakes) or waffles (the frozen ones) and he can usually point to what he wants.  I hope sooner or later he picks up some good words because I'm to the point of crying...

Anyway...after lunch, Collin is fussing because he wants something that I can't figure out and he starts crying.  My stepfather doesn't like to make a scene (which I understand).  So we left and Collin wouldn't give him a hug or say goodbye or anything.  I put Collin the car and started crying because 1) it's been awhile since I have seen him, 2) Collin wouldn't give his grandfather a hug, and 3) Collin has no idea how upset I get with his behavior.  I wanted to bend him over right there and SPANK HIM...again...I won't.  I even joked with Collin during lunch and said if he didn't behave, I was going to take him to Father Baker's (Long story, but my stepdad jokingly threatened that with us, but it was an orphanage, I think, near the Buffalo area? ) ...

Taking a deep breath, and clearing those tears, I picked up my phone and sent a quick text to my stepfather and apologized for Collin's behavior.  Obviously, he understands and says that he's a two year old and it happens...but I just wish that Collin would pick his battles elsewhere instead of trying to make an unpleasant visit with Grandpa.  :(

Okay, I feel better now...thanks for visiting...and commenting and helping and sharing and whatever you can do to help me feel better...I mean, I already feel better because you're listening and I am supremely excited you're reading this!  AND I KNOW I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Apollo Academy by Kimberly P. Chase

For my first book review, I decided to give it to a phenomenal newbie writer.  Kimberly P. Chase just started her writing debut, and following her journey through her blog was exhilarating.  I'm so glad she has finally self published this book, and I'm so glad that I get to share it with you!

Here is a blurb on her first book to the Apollo Academy series:

"As the heiress to Titon Technologies, eighteen-year-old Aurora Titon can have whatever she wants—clothes, expensive gadgets, anything money can buy. All she really wants is to escape her pampered, paparazzi-prone life for the stars. Becoming the first female pilot to train as an astronaut for the Apollo Academy is exactly the chance for which she has been waiting. Everything would be perfect if it weren't for her unreciprocated crush on a fellow student, the sexy astronaut bent on making her life hell, and the fact that someone keeps trying to kill her."

And I bet your waiting to see the beautiful cover...It makes my heart melt!

My Review:

Chase can definitely paint a picture in your head.  Where it plans to go, you don't quite know.  This book isn't predictable like others.  When you expect the story to go one way, it goes another.  

Aurora Titon is well known.  So well-known that she tends to hide from the paparazzi.  She's well-known because her father is the owner of a huge technology company.  Aurora isn't quite like other rich and famous girls.  She's a normal human being who has feelings.  In a futuristic world, Aurora wants to do one thing; she wants to be an astronaut.  She loves to fly and she wants to help people.  She gets accepted into The Apollo Academy as the first Female pilot who gets to train to be an astronaut.  During her schooling, she meets this mystery being...Zane.  She also runs into another hot and gorgeous pilot...Sky.  And happens to get hurt every time Sky is around, whether it's physical or mental.

Zane lives his entire life as a mystic being and as a technology guru.  He knows everything about technology and fixes all the throwaways that people call junk.  He only remembers being on the streets his entire life wondering who would leave their child and walk away?  He isn't in the "Grid" which is a whole other part to this world that holds money, and basically every one's entire life.  He avoids his eyes being scanned at all costs.  He also isn't afraid to start fights.  However, The Apollo Academy is a place for Zane to get away from his life.  He is able to do something with it, have a shelter over his head, and food in his belly.  Consider this the new gateway for him, and nothing is going to screw this up.  Then, he meets Ms. Aurora.  

Sky is a drop dead gorgeous pilot that I want to make out with...Sorry Blake.  :(  He trains his students to become better pilots in dangerous situations and is especially harder on Ms. Famous Titon, but whenever he is around Aurora is getting hurt.  It's hard not to blame the cutie.  He happens to be everywhere and holds a secret that could ruin his life.  Is Sky part of a third party who could be trying to hurt Aurora?  

So, yes, I'm a huge fan.  Get this book from Amazon, or Barnes and Nobles. Click Here: For Amazon
Click Here: For the Nook   And Please...when you are finished, give her a good review!!!  People always depend on those!

I'm not a fan of revealing too much of this story.  I really want you to check out yourself.  In case you didn't have enough, here's the youtube video on this book: 

To learn more about Kimberly P. Chase, go to her website and follow her blog.    

Did I mention she's amazing? 

Popcorn Indiana Fit

I am going to give you my first rave.  And it's Fit Popcorn by the Popcorn Indiana Company.  I can only get this popcorn at Walgreen's.  I do love Walgreen's anyway, so it's not a bother.  It is weird that I cannot get it at my local  grocery store.  I usually get the Movie Theatre Butter Popcorn.  Oh my!  I am soooo in love with that popcorn that it is dangerous.  I actually smuggled that popcorn into the movie theater.  (And why not?   $3 for a full bag is wayyyy better looking that $6 for a SMALL bag of popcorn.)

I happened to see the FIT popcorn out of the corner of my eye when selecting my usual.  Hmmmm.  The flavor is Extra Virgin Olive Oil!  It says that it is 40 calories per cup.  It also has the Biggest Loser Brand on it.  The ingredients are (and I quote) " popcorn, extra virgin olive oil, tapioca starch, sea salt, parsley, black pepper." What have I got to lose?  I grabbed it and was confident that it will taste just as yummy.  CHALLENGE: Someone tell me the ingredients on the back of the ever-so-popular white cheddar popcorn...GO!

It does.  This is pretty good and it also is sprinkled with some pepper.  It's for those "I need to eat something healthier" snack moments.  The popcorn has a hint of oil to it, but I can definitely taste the parsley and pepper.  It doesn't leave an a weird aftertaste, either.  The popcorn is like it just came out of the air popper.  OOOOOH GRANDMA, you'd be proud!

I won't part with my Movie Theater butter popcorn, but I will definitely delve into this healthier snack.  This may even help with Football Sunday Snacking!!!  Who's to know, either?!  It's not like I have to tell my friends that the Biggest Loser promotes it and it's healthIER.  :-) 

And so, friends, this is my rave for today.  When you need to snack on something, head to Walgreens (Or wherever you see this...let me know), and purchase this product.  DO IT!  I dare ya!