Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Frustrated Mommy

My Vent Session!

So, my son (2 yo) and I are heading to meet my stepfather at lunch.  It's been awhile since Collin has seen his grandpa last, and he played the shy game.  It was probably a weird setting to begin with because Collin usually saw his grandpa at their house in SC.  :(  

I have a picky eater, which is infuriating because I'm not a picky eater...and his daddy is learning to try new foods and is liking them too.  When Collin was a baby, I made all of his food.  YES!  I DID!  I had the awesome Beaba Baby  2 in 1 System.  It would steam the food and then puree it.  Collin ate everything I gave him.  Sweet Potatoes (Of course), squash, green beans, peas, all fruits, and now...GRRRR.  He won't even freakin' pick up any of that.  I try to coax him to try it and he won't! 

Anyway, I order Collin Grilled Cheese from the restaurant thinking he would eat it...well, because he sometimes does, and he doesn't.  He doesn't even try it.  Whatever!  I'm about to throw my hands up and call it quits, never ever give him snacks, or treats, and lock him up.  I know that you cannot do this...and I promise...I won't.  

My bestie had a good read that I am reading.  It's called Food Fights.  It actually mentions the time when you were a child and your parents told you "You're not leaving that table, missy, unless you finish your vegetables."  Well, with this notion, we are teaching our children that even if they are not hungry, they should eat it.  Quantity over quality.  I've been doing the whole "Okay Collin, you don't have to eat it...", not give him any snacks, or even juice, and wait till dinner and give it back to him.  Sometimes he still won't touch it...even when he's hungry.  This boy is stubborn.  

BUT get this:  basically I need to keep exposing him to things like grilled cheese because it takes 10-15 tries for them to taste it/eat it!  Are you freaking kidding me?  I'm sure he silently, or mentally, rolls his eyes and says "Gosh, Mom....not this again!!!"  I'm seriously doing the best I can.  I was trying to force it on him to just try, and then knew later down the road that it's not what I should be doing.  So, when dinner comes around, I give him what is planned, and hope and pray that he eats it, because if not, he's not getting anything else.  

Any mommies out there feeling me?  Or am I just the crazy mommy?  I hope eventually Collin figures out that the food I make is actually pretty good.  And get this...he won't even eat Chocolate cake!!!!  WHAT?!   What kid won't eat chocolate!  MINE! (As I raise my hand...) 

And so the other frustrating part is that Collin doesn't speak yet.  He saids words and some phraises, but none like "I don't want that" or "Give me Mac and Cheese!" So this language barrier is beyond frustrating...and I think that's where it starts.  He can't stress to me what he wants in words and it's not like I can ask him what he wants unless I show him pancakes (the box of frozen pancakes) or waffles (the frozen ones) and he can usually point to what he wants.  I hope sooner or later he picks up some good words because I'm to the point of crying...

Anyway...after lunch, Collin is fussing because he wants something that I can't figure out and he starts crying.  My stepfather doesn't like to make a scene (which I understand).  So we left and Collin wouldn't give him a hug or say goodbye or anything.  I put Collin the car and started crying because 1) it's been awhile since I have seen him, 2) Collin wouldn't give his grandfather a hug, and 3) Collin has no idea how upset I get with his behavior.  I wanted to bend him over right there and SPANK HIM...again...I won't.  I even joked with Collin during lunch and said if he didn't behave, I was going to take him to Father Baker's (Long story, but my stepdad jokingly threatened that with us, but it was an orphanage, I think, near the Buffalo area? ) ...

Taking a deep breath, and clearing those tears, I picked up my phone and sent a quick text to my stepfather and apologized for Collin's behavior.  Obviously, he understands and says that he's a two year old and it happens...but I just wish that Collin would pick his battles elsewhere instead of trying to make an unpleasant visit with Grandpa.  :(

Okay, I feel better now...thanks for visiting...and commenting and helping and sharing and whatever you can do to help me feel better...I mean, I already feel better because you're listening and I am supremely excited you're reading this!  AND I KNOW I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I know exactly what you're going through. My 2 yo's father has been out of town and she has been absolutely awful. Took her to dinner just to get out of the house and it makes you wonder why you ever bother taking them any where in the first place. She started screaming and slapping her mouth and the lady behind us started shaking her head and complaining to the person she was with. I was on the verge of tears right then and was going to get our food to go. Then I remembered why I was there. I needed to get OUT and thought screw you lady, you've obviously never been a mother. Sometimes you just have to ignore the ignorance of others, whether it's coming from your own child or a stranger and try to enjoy what you originally set out to do.

  2. Yes! Ugh. I feel the same way! I really don't care if he is screaming because they say that he needs to scream it out and get over it...but I don't care until I get the look like I'm the worst person in the world to let an adorable baby boy cry. I just wanna be like..."HOW IS HE GOING TO LEARN IF I GIVE IN?" With that being said...I think it may be awhile before we go out again! I totally understand where you are at! We need to stick together!!!! :-)

  3. And, for lunch today, I tried again with the grilled cheese. Except (like someone suggested) I tore up half the sandwich and cut those sizes in half and gave it to him. He did try pointing towards the kitchen, and so I said "How about you take a bite and I'll get you something else..."

    He took a bite....and three more! Which seriously excites me because he listened! I didn't give him any sides either, until he was finished with those bites!...Success!!!! HOWEVER, this is just a half step. We'll see about the other things he won't eat.
