Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Apollo Academy by Kimberly P. Chase

For my first book review, I decided to give it to a phenomenal newbie writer.  Kimberly P. Chase just started her writing debut, and following her journey through her blog was exhilarating.  I'm so glad she has finally self published this book, and I'm so glad that I get to share it with you!

Here is a blurb on her first book to the Apollo Academy series:

"As the heiress to Titon Technologies, eighteen-year-old Aurora Titon can have whatever she wants—clothes, expensive gadgets, anything money can buy. All she really wants is to escape her pampered, paparazzi-prone life for the stars. Becoming the first female pilot to train as an astronaut for the Apollo Academy is exactly the chance for which she has been waiting. Everything would be perfect if it weren't for her unreciprocated crush on a fellow student, the sexy astronaut bent on making her life hell, and the fact that someone keeps trying to kill her."

And I bet your waiting to see the beautiful cover...It makes my heart melt!

My Review:

Chase can definitely paint a picture in your head.  Where it plans to go, you don't quite know.  This book isn't predictable like others.  When you expect the story to go one way, it goes another.  

Aurora Titon is well known.  So well-known that she tends to hide from the paparazzi.  She's well-known because her father is the owner of a huge technology company.  Aurora isn't quite like other rich and famous girls.  She's a normal human being who has feelings.  In a futuristic world, Aurora wants to do one thing; she wants to be an astronaut.  She loves to fly and she wants to help people.  She gets accepted into The Apollo Academy as the first Female pilot who gets to train to be an astronaut.  During her schooling, she meets this mystery being...Zane.  She also runs into another hot and gorgeous pilot...Sky.  And happens to get hurt every time Sky is around, whether it's physical or mental.

Zane lives his entire life as a mystic being and as a technology guru.  He knows everything about technology and fixes all the throwaways that people call junk.  He only remembers being on the streets his entire life wondering who would leave their child and walk away?  He isn't in the "Grid" which is a whole other part to this world that holds money, and basically every one's entire life.  He avoids his eyes being scanned at all costs.  He also isn't afraid to start fights.  However, The Apollo Academy is a place for Zane to get away from his life.  He is able to do something with it, have a shelter over his head, and food in his belly.  Consider this the new gateway for him, and nothing is going to screw this up.  Then, he meets Ms. Aurora.  

Sky is a drop dead gorgeous pilot that I want to make out with...Sorry Blake.  :(  He trains his students to become better pilots in dangerous situations and is especially harder on Ms. Famous Titon, but whenever he is around Aurora is getting hurt.  It's hard not to blame the cutie.  He happens to be everywhere and holds a secret that could ruin his life.  Is Sky part of a third party who could be trying to hurt Aurora?  

So, yes, I'm a huge fan.  Get this book from Amazon, or Barnes and Nobles. Click Here: For Amazon
Click Here: For the Nook   And Please...when you are finished, give her a good review!!!  People always depend on those!

I'm not a fan of revealing too much of this story.  I really want you to check out yourself.  In case you didn't have enough, here's the youtube video on this book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECvGBdJBAsg&feature=player_embedded 

To learn more about Kimberly P. Chase, go to her website and follow her blog.  http://kimberlypchase.blogspot.com/    

Did I mention she's amazing? 

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