Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Common Cold = Disastrous

So three days ago, I was feeling fantastic.  The beautiful sunshine is showing it's face frequently because it's ready to say good-bye so those dreaded winter clouds could show their ugly face for months on end.  Collin got to play outside all day, and when I went to pick him, he was running up the hill and walking down it.  He was so funny. 

After picking him up, sneezed like 100 times.  It was crazy.  That night, I couldn't sleep.  It was horrible, friends!  It wasn't the runny nose, it was the drippy nose.  It was awful.  I couldn't sleep because I could constantly feel the tickle of it dripping down my nose.  I seriously had to twist the corner of the kleenex because it wouldn't stop dripping.  It was soooo annoying.  So I woke up...not ready to go to work.  I dragged my tired body out of bed, and took a shower...and tickle, drip, tickle, drip!  IN THE SHOWER!?  COME ON! 

I was at work, and someone came to talk to me.  In the middle of conversation...tickle, drip, tickle, drip!  How freaking embarrassing!  I could not believe this craziness! I had to have a kleenex in my pocket at all times, so that in case that tickle occurred, I was prepared!  Not to mention the amount of hand sanitizer, kleenex, and other things.  By the end of the day, I was miserable.  I felt like my nose was the size and color of Rudolph's, and it was sore.  I also felt like my throat was more than irritated.  I needed something to sooth it, and I was drinking water the entire day.  I went to the drugstore and grabbed Tylenol sinus medicine and some cough drops with the honey in the center.  I also grabbed some orange juice for that Vitamin C kick.  I felt a little better after that, but sheesh.  That night, I slept way better.  I did sleep with the kleenex in my hand though. 

Yesterday I was much more improved, except I have a stuffy nose and a cough.  BUT what caused this?  Was is allergies?  Or was it the cold that is caused by those floating viruses?  I remember taking a health class in college that showed a video of colds and how those virus travels.  Did you know that if you sneezed, without covering your mouth, the virus you hold flies out for a huge amount of feet?  I'm thinking it was 5 feet, or maybe 3, but they float until someone else grabs a hold of it.  Not only is it in the air, but on the handles of doors and cars and things.  I'm surprised my two year old didn't grab what I had, but I wonder if that's because I did really well with covering my mouth and washing my hands?  It's pretty crazy how you can get someone like that, and within four hours, you feel like  a punching bag. 

OH!  Let's get to the gross side of things...When you blow your nose, do you ever check to see if your boogers are green?  Full DISCLOSURE:  I do!!!  I wanna check  to see if they are healthy.  Like in the movie How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days when Kate Hudson cries out during the Guys' Poker Game:  "Oh, clear!  Healthy boy!!!"  So after doing the booger check, I know I don't have an infection, but still...ANNOYING!

So now the sun is shining, and I know it's going to be a beautiful day.  I feel 110% better.  I hope you have a fantastic weekend! 

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