Friday, September 27, 2013

Food Fights by Laura A. Jana and Jennifer Shu

Food Fights: Winning the Nutritional Challenges of Parenthood Armed with Insight, Humor, and a Bottle of Ketchup

The Goodreads Blurb:  Bring "peas and harmony" to the family table with Food Fights, 2nd edition! Knowing what to feed children is one thing. Getting them to eat it is quite another! In Food Fights, 2nd edition, the authors tastefully blend the science of nutrition and pediatrics with the practical insights of parents who have been in your shoes?offering simple solutions for your daily nutritional challenges. Whether you've got an infant, toddler, or young child, Food Fights promises entertaining, reality-based advice on: How to pick your battles (and arm yourself accordingly) Whining and dining, throwing food, and other dietary distractions Heaping helpings, TV dinners, fast food, and other nutritional minefields Eating out, grocery shopping, and travel The 5-second rule Drinking and dozing, juice, soda pop, and other classic drinking problems Sick kids, vitamins, body weight, allergies, constipation, spitting up...and so much more! This revised second edition also includes new chapters on healthy breakfasts, what's lacking in snacking, and supermarket sanity, and serves up important guidance on making sense of package labels and choosing foods wisely. Add the cornucopia of resources such as recipes for success, a nutrient primer, and phone apps that help families stay on a tech-savvy track to good nutrition and this new and improved edition of Food Fights is guaranteed to leave you satisfied.

I have to say that I was in need of this book.  It talks about everything from newborns to the Middle School Stage.  This book has helped me become a less worry wort when it comes to my son's eating habits.   I have learned to be cool and relax when it comes to my son eating certain things and not wanting to eat those certain things.  You shouldn't force it on your kids.  You shouldn't make them lick the platter clean.  You shouldn't give him all that he wants everytime he wants it.  

I think anyone who deals with children, or wants to have children, or is even pregnant, should seriously read this book!  It was a really informative piece of text that I will hold dear to my heart.  There really isn't much else I can say to you about  a "HOW-TO" book. 

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